
NNDb hosts a collection of 86 MRI datasets, both structural and functional, of people watching full length movies. A list of participants for each movie, as well as details for each scan session, can be found on our OpenNeuro dataset and our publication. We have made the following data available:

- fMRI runs (max 6 runs) for each participant

- A T1-weighted high-resolution anatomical scan for each participant

- Fully preprocessed fMRI dataset for each participant

- Cognitive testing for each participant

Preprocessing involved the following steps in order:

- For anatomical scans: skull stripping, MNI alignment, inflation & segmentation, white matter/cerebral spinal fluid mask

- For fMRI scans: time shifting, despiking, volume registration, MNI alignment, mask timeseries, smoothing 6mm FWHM, detrending with regressors (eg for motion), timing correction, concatenation, manual ICA denoising

Cognitive Testing Data

We have collected over 1h worth of cognitive testing for each participant, using the approved NIH toolbox. Click the two download buttons below to get the full data and scores.

Demographic Data

Below is a detailed table of demographics of participants who took part in the NNDb. All participants were native English speakers, with no known history of psychiatric/neurological disorders and with unimpaired hearing/vision. We also provide two average scores on Cognition and Emotion from the NIH tests above.